Welcome to goerFI!
This guide is designed to help you get informed and take charge of your personal finances. Christian non-profit expat workers, or goers, live in unique circumstances: you live overseas most of the time, work for a non-profit and raise your own support. When you encounter information or advice on handling personal finances, it’s hard not to wonder, “does this even apply to my situation?” This guide was written for goers like you! It’s your tailor-made starting point for taking charge of your personal finances and pursuing Financial Independence (FI). This is goerFI. Let’s get started!
About goerFI guy
goerFI guy is passionate about empowering people to make informed decisions with their personal finances. He has 7 years experience as a goer and currently lives in southeast Asia. On his path to FI, he did research to figure out how to invest for the future, and found that very few resources were written with goers in mind. As his own path to FI became more clear, he decided to make goerFI as a free resource for goers pursuing Financial Independence.
Contact goerFI
Have more questions about personal finance for goers? Drop us a message here!